Mighty Heart Menders

by Alexandria Dickerson

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Grief is the most peculiar thing; we’re so helpless in the face of it. It’s like a window that will simply open of its own accord. The room grows cold, and we can do nothing but shiver. But it opens a little less each time, and a little less; and one day we wonder what has become of it. - Arthur Golden

Grief and loss, heartache and heartbreak, loss of a loved one, severed relationships, missed opportunities, the winter blues, and the inevitable changes that are happening all around us. These are some of life’s biggest feelings and most difficult challenges to heal from, and yet we face them each and every day. 

When experiencing intense heartache, it manifests itself through the physical and emotional heart and it can look different for everyone. Heartache can look like being socially withdrawn, experiencing depression and/or anxiety, fatigue, nausea, headaches, and lack of appetite. This list is not exhaustive by any means. There is often a sense of immense pressure that radiates over the heart region of the chest which can feel like deep sadness and sorrow.

These symptoms often make it difficult to create time and space for healing. Start by surrounding yourself with your favorite things. Do something special to honor yourself in these deep dark moments. Create space for your heart to heal.  Spend time in the company of plant allies that offer the heart the support it needs to heal during difficult and trying times. 

Heart Mending Plant Allies. Maybe some of these plants that we will chat about below are dear friends to you already, ones that you hold close to you in times of need. Or maybe they are new to you and you’ve yet to meet. Please keep in mind that the statements below are for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It’s a simple sharing of experiences with the magical medicine of plants. 

Ghost Pipe- Reduces Sensitivity to Physical & Emotional Pain*

Monotropa uniflora, Ghost Pipe also known as Indian Pipe, is known to help with physical and emotional pain/grief. This medicine works differently than other analgesics. It doesn't make the pain go away, but rather puts the person beside their pain where they can see it and deal with it without being overwhelmed by it — it basically raises the pain threshold. Ghost Pipe can provide a degree of separation from overwhelming external stimuli. It is known to make people feel more grounded and present in the moment when their overwhelming pain has been dominating their experience of their bodies and the world.

Hawthorn- Heart Strengthener & Fatigue Fighter*

Crataegus spp., Hawthorn eases symptoms of heartache and grief by strengthening the heart and the cardiovascular system which in turn, helps fight fatigue and feelings of breathlessness. Hawthorn is great at connecting to the emotional heart. It helps to open the heart, to allow intense feelings to move into or out of the heart. When hawthorn is used in a remedy, it can often provide a sense of fortification and courage. It creates a space to practice self-love and acceptance. 

Lemon Balm- Uplifts Mood While Calming Anxious Thoughts*

Melissa officinalis, Lemon Balm smells like sunshine. It’s bright and cheerful and uplifting. Lemon balm is also grounding and helps clear the mind which makes space for thinking through anxious thought patterns and improve your mood. As its name suggests, balm, giving a sense of soothing and healing, lemon balm does just that. This is why lemon balm is considered a shining star as a heart mender and brings sunshine to any cloudy day. 

Linden- Relieves Anxiety & Restlessness* 

Tilia cordata, Linden is unassuming and gentle. It provides soothing moisture to hot dry tissue, restoring free movement, easing tension and restlessness. Linden can also help reduce headaches that stem from tension in the body. It often lends itself to soothe the throat as well which can help one find their voice once again. It’s restorative and an opening herb for the heart, allowing stress and tension to move outward and away. It’s large, heart-shaped leaves are a tell all for its support to the emotional and physical heart.  

Mimosa- Promotes Positive Emotional Balance*

Albizia julibrissin, You'll most likely recognize the whimsical pink flowers of the Mimosa tree, which often grow along stretches of highway in early summer. Although, we only harvest from private lands. We hand gathered these cheery pink Mimosa blossoms to prepare this beautiful heart medicine. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this tree is known as the "Tree of Collective Happiness.” Her flowers hold medicine to lift the spirits, enhance mood, energize, and gladden the heart. Mimosa is valued for relieving anxiety, stress, and depression. The flowers are helpful for those who feel depressed, stuck, angry, brooding and ruminative. This would also be great medicine for banishing the winter blues.

Rose- Promotes a Gladdening of the Heart*

Rosa centifolia, Rose is great at connecting the physical with the emotional, and can lend support to the heart in this holistic manner. Roses are romantic and represent a spectrum of love and relationship. In nature they are found wild, untamed, and free and they tend to support the heart in this very nature, allowing it to be free once again from the weight of distress. The petals of rose are found to be sedative which can promote relaxation. Rose is also very balancing and good for the heart. 

Tulsi- Gently Guides into Homeostasis*

Ocimum sanctum, Tulsi, much like the heart, is considered sacred. It’s an adaptogen which supports the body in adapting to stress. Tulsi is often referred to as the “Queen of all Herbs”. It is gentle and helps support homeostasis within the body, putting it at peace with the world around it. Tulsi is native to India and is considered a sacred plant in Hinduism. Before harvesting the leaves, Hindus must ask the plant for forgiveness. Tulsi is indeed parallel with the emotional heart in the sense of its generosity and outpouring of love, light, and healing. Keep Tulsi close to guide your heart through the healing process. 

Other earth based elements to utilize alongside our plant allies are: 

Palo Santo Incense-  Paolo Santo is referred to as “holy wood” or “wood of the saints” and it is used in smudging ceremonies where the stick is burned and the fragrant smoke is used to clear the energy field of a space. Including this into a heart mending ritual is beneficial to the energy of your surroundings. The fragrance is uplifting and calming of anxieties. It also promotes creativity as the smudging removes negative energy. With the negative energy cleared out this creates space for positivity and vivacious healing for the heart. Smudging can be performed in any space in and around the home with a specific intention in mind. 

Rose Quartz- Rose Quartz is an absolutely charming element that represents universal love. It also represents trust and harmony in relationships. Rose quartz is a reminder of the unconditional self-love and love towards others that should be practiced. It is often comforting in times of grief and helps support deep healing and brings feelings of peace. Rose quartz is specifically balancing to the physical heart and releasing impurities from the body. 

All of these elements mentioned above can be found in our Heart Mender Kit. Each kit is lovingly prepared to support the heart and promote healing in times of sorrow, loss, and grief — a bundle of our most beloved heart-healing remedies and plant allies to support and guide you to a place of courage, strength, and understanding. Our aim for this kit is to help create space & give you tools for quiet reflection, self-care rituals, and to process your feelings.


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Alex Dickerson Comment